Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Membership on Secretary Benton's Working Groups

The list of members of DHHS Secretary Benton's Facility Management Working Groups has been announced:

A. Central Hospital Construction Review Group
Dr. Marvin Swartz, Duke & member, Mental Health Commission
Mary Silverman First Health of Carolinas (Moore/Richmond)
Mary Beck and Eileen Spahl, UNC
Dr. Tony Lindsey, Vice Chair for Clinical Affairs, UNC Dept Psychiatry

B. Management and Operations Work Group
Peter Mumma, New Hanover Health Network
Laura Thomas, Carolinas Health Care – Mecklenburg
Carmen R. Vincent, University Health Systems of Eastern Carolina
Dr. David Rubinow, Chair, Department of Psychiatry, UNC
Dr. Tony Lindsey, Vice Chair for Clinical Affairs, UNC Dept Psychiatry
Eileen Spahl, Director, UNC Psychiatry Inpatient & Rehab Center
Mike Pedneau, Former Director of Dorothea Dix & DMHDDSAS
Mike Hennike, Former Section Head, State Operated Services
Dr. Ranota Hall, Former Clinical Director, JUH Child Psychiatry
Debbie Dihoff, NAMI
Dr. Michael Zarzar, Psychiatrist, Raleigh
Donald H. Baucom, Prof. Psychology, UNC & NC Psychol. Assoc.

C. Crisis Services Group
Peter Mumma, New Hanover Health Network
Amy Blackwell, Wake Medical
Wendy Webster, Duke University Hospital
Sarah Wiltgen, Brynn Marr Hospital, Onslow
Dr. David Rubinow, Chair, Department of Psychiatry, UNC
Jack Naftel, Professor of Psychiatry, UNC
Dr. Tony Lindsey, Vice Chair for Clinical Affairs, UNC Dept Psychiatry
Ellen Holloman, Director, Durham Center
Mike Watson, Director, Sandhills Center
Foster Norman, Director, Five County-Vance-Granville
Barbara Beatty, County Commissioner, Catawba County
Patrice Reesler, Deputy Director, NCCCA
John Tote, NC Mental Health Association
Robin Huffman, NC Psychiatric Association
Dr. Marvin Swartz, Duke & member, Mental Health Commission
Dr. Brent Myers, NC College of Emergency Physicians
John Meads, Private Provider-1st Responder
Dr. Darlyne Menscer, NC Medical Society
Carl Britton-Watkins, State CFAC


Ann Akland said...

Thanks for posting the list of people wtho will participate in the group. It is an excellent work group and I look forward hearing what they have to say. Will you be in a position to post minutes from the meetings?

Anonymous said...

And, where are those folks with salutations which resemble "plain ole citizen", or "concerned citizens" or "voter" or "taxpayer"? One of the more pernicious aspects of our society, in which 12 men (and women) good and true can condemn a person to death, plain old Jane and Dick are not to be trusted on a commission or public work group. To me this is the arrogance, well undeserved, of the medical and government captive bureaucracies. After all, are many of these same not the people involved centrally or peripherally in the construction of this Tower of Babel we call a mental health system?

Should I be appointed or elected Pope of China for a day, I would of course mandate that no professional board, commission, etc. appointed to the services of the people have on them fewer than 51% without title, connection, or connivance or teaching about the function about which the body is to have influence. Perhaps Mao did have some insight in the corruption of elites.

None of this is to call into question the qualifications, well meaningness or general theological inclination of the summarily appointed, albeit by someone perhaps not at all qualified to his own position, of any of of the appointees so far. But, after all, as I remember to my personal ill being that all the "best and brightest" (from old Episcopal Hymnal) got us into Viet Nam and could not get us out. Somemore of the B&B got us into Iraq. I strongly commend humility as the first attribute adopted by a community not well known for such.

MBrock said...

Will the meetings of Sec. Benton's Working Groups be public meetings subject to open meetings law? Will there be a public comment period or some other method for funneling public input to these appointees?

dee said...

RE: Crisis services. I hope that there is advocacy for regional crisis facilities. There is a huge gap between CS and the hospital. I my experience, mobile teams are only available after hours and on weekends for people who are a danger to self or others. Mobile teams can not be the total answer, as some people can stabilize on-site. We need interventions provided by PROFESSIONALS available to people in escalation, but prior to danger to self/others. Also, greatly needed is partial and intensive outpatient. People should not have to become so ill that they need to be hospitalized before they can access care.